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GQ Mag Names Kanye West “Most Stylish Man” in 2015

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner is Mr. West (queue in favorite K. West College Dropout track). We all Know Mr. West’s affinity towards anything fashion ( he has made it abundantly clear time and time again whenever he has the center stage) but this time he is actually being awarded for it. GQ Magazine has recently named the “808’s and Heartbreak” creator the “Most Stylish Man” of 2015. With his new clothing line: “Yeezy Season 1 and 2″  released this year and his highly anticipated, limited edition sneakers selling out within moments of dropping, it seems that anything fashion he puts his name on is winning. So, Its only fitting that he is given this coveted award by one of fashions’ most prominent sources.


What will Mr. West do in 2016 to fan the flame of his fashion ego? We can only sit and wait! What do you think? Leave a comment to be featured on follow-up article-FAME awaits you!

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