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The Academy Awards Lack of Diversity has Everyone Outraged

The controversy surrounding The Academy Awards this year is not to be taken lightly, the lack of diversity has people confused and outraged.  Spike Lee, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Will Smith  are boycotting the awards and  the Academy’s president, Cheryl Boone Isaacs has been recorded as saying she is “heartbroken”.

George Clooney has made his statement to Variety concerning the awards, “If you think back 10 years ago, the Academy was doing a better job,” Clooney said in a lengthy statement. “Think about how many more African Americans were nominated. I would also make the argument, I don’t think it’s a problem of who you’re picking as much as it is: How many options are available to minorities in film, particularly in quality films?”

We are glad to see Clooney stand up to this injustice and we hope to see other actors come forward for equality not only of color, but of women in the industry.



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