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Ariana Grande’s New Album is Finally Here

Ariana Grande has been teasing us with videos and songs from her new album Dangerous Woman for quite some time. Now the teasing and waiting is over, because the album is finally here. We expected greatness because of all the fantastic songs she has released lately, showcasing her maturity and that she is in fact a grown woman. The album is truly a showcase of that, and reminds us of the star’s ascension into pop stardom.

In a Q&A session with Vevo, Ariana took to explaining the album concept on Twitter. She said, “I feel like DW is a heightened, super version of myself so I wanted her to have a costume. the shot callllller/boss. Sometimes we have to wear armor to protect ourselves!! black latex bunny ear baddie DW is within all of ussss.”

You can here the album below on Spotify. Enjoy!

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