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Justin Bieber and Skrillex Are Being Sued Over “Sorry”

Justin Bieber and Skrillex are being sued over copyright infringement by an artist who is claiming that they stole the hook from Bieber’s “Sorry” from one of her songs. White Hinterland claims that the vocal riff in her song “Ring the Bill” was essentially taken and used in “Sorry” without her permission or license to do so.

She had approached Beiber about the issue at hand when “Sorry” first dropped and Beiber’s team did not acknowledge her claim though she attempted to have a conversation about this.

She took to Facebook, saying,”I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into writing and producing ‘Ring the Bell,’ and I am proud of the finished product, which Rolling Stonelisted as one of its ‘favorite songs, albums, and videos. Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to preserve my independence and creative control, thus it came as a shock to hear my work used and exploited without permission.”

She felt like she was left with no choice but to file a lawsuit. This is not the first time Bieber has been sued, as he was slapped with a lawsuit by a pair of songwriters in 2015.

You can compare “Sorry” to Hinterland’s song below.


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