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Shia LaBeouf Stars in ‘American Honey’ Trailer

Trailer for upcoming film American Honey features actor Shia LaBeouf in a role many are calling the best in his career. The Andrea Arnold film was premiered at Cannes Film Festival and features Sasha Lane debuting as a runaway who starts hanging out with some shady characters. The group is led by eyebrow piercing and rat tail wearing Riley Keough, played by Shia LaBeouf. Many are claiming that American Honey is the film Spring Breakers thought it was, and has the potential to be generation defining. In a review, Variety’s Guy Lodge said, “While exhilarating as sensory spectacle, ‘American Honey’ perhaps works most satisfyingly as a femme-driven corrective to Harmony Korine’s comparable but inferior Spring Breakers, a notional girl-power exercise that muted its female characters’ perspective in favor of James Franco’s gonzo mentor figure. That’s not an error Arnold makes.”

You can see the trailer for yourself below.

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